
CBT And Health Coaching


Teen Mental Health

I just wanted to say thank you so much for everything you have done for me. You have helped me so much and my life has become a million times better than it was before. I genuinely never thought i would be this happy again or that i would ever get better, but you made me realise i could and that i can and that i have. I appreciate you so much and i thank Allah for bringing me to this program. I am genuinely so grateful for all this. I was in such a bad place and i hated myself so much, i was ruining my life and this program made me realise all i had to do was correct my thinking and do things a little different. I will never forget you or this program. I thank you so much for everything you have done for me and just how much you’ve helped me. I appreciate you so much and i pray Allah puts barakah in your life and makes things easy for you.

Anon (Teen Client)